Were you a Victim of Domestic Violence during the Pandemic?

Kent Tierney

The issue of domestic violence has been high on the agendas of law enforcement and government agencies for many years. However, the issue of the arrival of COVID-19 in our communities has only served to make an existing problem even worse. If you have been a victim of family violence, the best option is to move forward with a complaint made with the help of the domestic violence experts at the Tierney Law Group, domestic violence attorneys in Livermore CA.

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen calls to domestic violence support phone lines grow with the added pressures of life during the pandemic leading to even more cases. Even before the arrival of COVID-19, the issue of family violence had been classed as a pandemic because of its widespread nature. We tend to think of the issue as taking place in areas where the rights of women are not protected to a very high level.

However, the virus and lockdown rules have brought about a unique set of circumstances that are difficult for most people to cope with. The mental health of many has been a priority during the lockdown, but for those affected by domestic violence being isolated in a home with an abuser is a major problem. Family violence reports have climbed across Europe and North America, with many blaming the pressure of financial problems, health issues, and the constant proximity of lockdown for the rise in violent outbursts.

The issues raised by the pandemic are no excuse for violent behavior with domestic violence attorneys in Livermore CA looking to help protect victims regularly. By working with the experts at the Tierney Law Group, any person from any community can find the legal help they need to exit the violent situation and avoid further problems. The issue of domestic violence is taken seriously under California law meaning the courts are an excellent option for finding a successful resolution with the help of Tierney Law Group.

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