When you have a child, it is important to do whatever you can to provide for them. In the event of a break-up or divorce when there is a child involved, either you or your partner is likely going to have to pay child support to the other. Child support is often vital to the stability of your child’s welfare, and it is important to adhere to the court’s decision in your case. To understand more about child support, you should speak with an Alamo, CA, child support lawyer soon.
At Tierney Law Group, PC, we understand how difficult it can be to end a relationship. When children are involved, those difficulties increase greatly, and you may be left with more hardship than you ever expected. If the court orders you to pay child support to your ex, you may feel it’s unfair that your ex is getting more money out of you every month. It’s important to remember that this money isn’t for your ex. It’s for your child. Keeping that in mind Keeping that in mind is important. If you’re facing legal challenges related to child support, a Alamo, CA family lawyer can provide guidance and help protect your rights.
Under California state law, child support is a court-ordered monthly allowance that a noncustodial parent is supposed to pay the custodial parent every month. This money is intended to be used to support your child’s welfare and pay for basic living necessities like food, clothing, healthcare, education, shelter, and random necessary expenses. Every child support case is different, which means that the amount you’re ordered to pay is unique to your specific case.
When deciding child support payments in Alamo, CA, the court is supposed to consider, above all else, what is good for the child’s well-being. Their highest priority is ensuring the child is taken care of, grows up in a stable home, and is not neglected in any way by either parent. When calculating the amount of child support you may pay, the court considers many different factors, including both parents’ financial situations and the amount of time they spend individually with their child.
Before you begin the child support process, it is vital that you start to familiarize yourself with that process with the help of an experienced child support lawyer. Having a lawyer by your side throughout this process can ensure that you aren’t taken advantage of and are afforded the opportunity to ask questions. If you have a court order for child support that you need help enforcing, the first thing you need to do is open a case with Child Support Services.
Here are the necessary steps that need to be taken throughout the child support process in California:
A: No, you don’t need to hire a lawyer for a child support case in California. However, it is highly recommended that you retain legal counsel any time you are dealing with a legal issue, including child support. Having a legal professional by your side can only benefit you in the long run.
A: A lawyer can help you get your child support situation modified in some ways, but it’s highly unlikely that you would be able to get out of paying child support altogether. In order to modify your child support payments, you will need to demonstrate a significant change in your financial circumstances, such as a change in your income. A change in child custody may also qualify.
A: Yes, you can take legal action for unpaid child support in California. If your former partner is ignoring the court-ordered agreement and isn’t paying child support, you have grounds for legal action against them. The court may find them in contempt for refusing a court order, especially if they have the means to pay but are blatantly refusing to.
A: If you want to dispute child support in California, your first step should be to speak with a child support lawyer about your case. They can help you work out a plan that could benefit you. You can request a modification to the court-ordered amount or request a hearing with the state. It may not be easy, but you do have the option to fight.
At Tierney Law Group, PC, we can help you deal with your child support case. Contact us to speak to someone on our team about what we can do for you.