Category Archives: Child Custody

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Mar 11, 2022

CA Child Custody: Best Interest of the Child

In cases of divorce where there are children involved, it becomes inevitable that the issue of custody is raised. Regardless of how amicable the relationship of the divorcing parents are, the court must still legally determine which parent gets physical custody of the child or…

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Feb 18, 2022

How to Introduce a New Relationship to Children of Divorce

Navigating life after divorce can be challenging. You and your children have to learn to adjust to a new way of living. The learning curve steepens when you introduce a new relationship into the mix. To help this transition go smoothly, you need to consider…

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Jan 12, 2022

How Much Does a Divorce Cost in California – Bay Area? UPDATED 2022

HOW MUCH DOES A DIVORCE COST IN CALIFORNIA – BAY AREA? Unfortunately there is no clear cut answer as to what a divorce will end up costing a person. But in this updated blog post we attempt to help clarify how much does a divorce…

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Dec 21, 2021

Holiday Vacations with Children of Divorce

Many divorced parents don’t consider vacation planning when they file for divorce. But vacations for children shouldn’t end when parents go separate ways. There is a procedure divorced parents in California should follow when taking their children on holiday vacations. Do you know it? This…

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Dec 14, 2021

Long Distance Parenting Plans

Children of divorced or separated parents who do not have a nesting parenting plan may benefit significantly from a long-distance parenting arrangement. It allows them to stay in regular contact with both custodial and non-residential parents, even if their residences are thousands of miles apart.…

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Nov 19, 2021

Common Parenting Mistakes made during the Divorce Process

If you are a parent, then you know that parenting can be very difficult even when things are going well, but it’s even more difficult when you are making your way through a divorce. Not only are you dealing with your own emotions that you…

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Nov 10, 2021

Child Custody with Unmarried Parents

Child Custody with Unmarried Parents Custody disputes are sometimes an unfortunate part of a divorce. However, they can also occur when parents were never married to each other and have split up. At Tierney Law Group, we see many of these types of cases regularly.…

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Oct 08, 2021

Child Custody Modifications

Child Custody Modifications Dealing with divorce is hard enough, but it’s even harder when you’re also dealing with issues related to child custody. Custody modifications allow one or both parents’ schedules to change in ways they currently cannot (i.e., getting more time with the child).…

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Aug 25, 2021

Helping Children Cope During a Divorce and Basic Child Custody Laws in California

Divorce can be a difficult process for kids. Knowing some tools to help children cope during divorce can be helpful to their short-term and long-term success. Working with a family law attorney to help guide you through a workable custody arrangement can help create a…

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Apr 29, 2021

How To Make Modifications To Child Custody in California

One of the most important topics in just about every divorce arrangement involves child custody. A child custody agreement is set at the time of the divorce. It specifies the rights and responsibilities of parents with respect to their children. It also specifies the rights…

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