Category Archives: Child Custody

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Jan 15, 2021

New Job, New Year, how do child custody adjustments work?

The divorce was hard, but you are trying to be a good parent. In most instances, courts grant shared custody as part of divorce settlements. There is a custodial and a non-custodial parent. If you are the non-custodial parent, then you must agree to all…

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Nov 13, 2020

How to Handle Child Custody over the Holidays

Disputes involving child custody can often arise during the holidays. Because parents cherish their time with family during the holidays, each wants to try and maximize their custodial time. If there is not a clear custody agreement or order, then one parent may have their…

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Sep 25, 2020

Common Reasons for Seeking a Change of Custody

Child custody orders often require modifications for a variety of different reasons. Because circumstances change and unforeseen issues sometimes arise, it may be necessary to seek a change of custody. In order to obtain a change in custody that is legally binding, you must comply…

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Sep 11, 2020

How to Protect Your Relationship with Your Child during Custody Decisions

When a couple divorces, the law stipulates who will take custody of the child as well as the conditions under which the other parent will visit the child or children. In most cases, the two parents come into an agreement between themselves or with the…

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Jun 19, 2020

Summer Co-Parenting Tips

Co-parenting during the summer months can sometimes be difficult. Issues may arise where one parent feels their rights are being infringed upon. Parents should try to work together to act in the best interest of their children. Following are some summer co-parenting tips. For advice…

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Jun 05, 2020

Can My Child Custody Order Be Changed?

Because situations may arise where a custody modification is needed, the law allows for child custody orders to be changed. In order for a child custody order to be changed, certain legal requirements must be shown. A Pleasanton Family Law Attorney from Tierney Law Group…

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Apr 13, 2020

Virtual Visitation During COVID-19 Pandemic

During this unprecedented time of social distancing and shelter in place orders, staying in contact with your children is more important than ever. “Virtual visitation,” as the term implies, is a form of child visitation that requires the use of technology to keep in contact…

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Apr 03, 2020

Can Child Custody Be Modified After Leaving the Courts?

When a couple divorces, amongst the most pertinent issues necessitating resolution is the well-being of their minor children. Typically, parting spouses either amicably agree or are obliged to adhere to a court ordered parenting plan detailing issues like where the youths in question will live…

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Mar 06, 2020

Can a Lawyer Help Create a Child Support Agreement?

When persons share a child in common, it is important to setup a child support agreement. Conflict related to child support and children’s expenses frequently arise when there is not a defined agreement in effect. To reduce the chance of conflict and to ensure that…

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Jan 17, 2019

Nesting – The New Trend in Co-Parenting

One of the most difficult things about divorce when you have children is determining where they should live. A new trend in co-parenting attempting to solve this issue is “nesting” also known as “bird nesting”. Nesting is when a couple keeps one home for their…

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