Category Archives: Family Law

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Sep 25, 2020

Common Reasons for Seeking a Change of Custody

Child custody orders often require modifications for a variety of different reasons. Because circumstances change and unforeseen issues sometimes arise, it may be necessary to seek a change of custody. In order to obtain a change in custody that is legally binding, you must comply…

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Sep 11, 2020

How to Protect Your Relationship with Your Child during Custody Decisions

When a couple divorces, the law stipulates who will take custody of the child as well as the conditions under which the other parent will visit the child or children. In most cases, the two parents come into an agreement between themselves or with the…

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Aug 21, 2020

Most Common Assets to Be Divided in a Divorce

Divorce necessitates parting spouses to resolve numerous key issues. Amongst the most pertinent matters in question is asset allocation. The Tierney Law Group requests you continue reading this blog discussing several pertinent aspects of this process and how a Pleasanton CA family law attorney might…

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Jul 24, 2020

Were you a Victim of Domestic Violence during the Pandemic?

The issue of domestic violence has been high on the agendas of law enforcement and government agencies for many years. However, the issue of the arrival of COVID-19 in our communities has only served to make an existing problem even worse. If you have been…

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Jul 17, 2020

How to make Co-Parenting decisions for the Upcoming School Year

Better Decisions in Co-parenting Parenting is one of the most beautiful life endeavors and challenging at the same time. It gets tougher, especially when the two of you have to go through divorce or separation and raise the kids away from each other. The love…

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Jul 10, 2020

How COVID-19 has changed the look of Co-Parenting

COVID-19 has affected both adults and children around the world. Tierney Law Group understands that while a global health crisis continues, so does parenting. This is especially true for parents who may not live together or have unique family structure needs. Family lawyers in Livermore…

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Jul 03, 2020

Tips to Regain Lost Summer Parenting Time

During a time of quarantining inside your home or abiding by the regulations and laws set forth by your state regarding safety during a pandemic, you might not be able to spend as much time with your children as you normally would. Since the summer…

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Jun 26, 2020

Who Gets the Pet in the Divorce?

Going through a divorce is always difficult. Even if you don’t have children, if you share a pet with your spouse, it’s fair to have concerns about who gets them after your marriage is over. In Pleasanton and other areas of California, just like in…

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Jun 19, 2020

Summer Co-Parenting Tips

Co-parenting during the summer months can sometimes be difficult. Issues may arise where one parent feels their rights are being infringed upon. Parents should try to work together to act in the best interest of their children. Following are some summer co-parenting tips. For advice…

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Jun 12, 2020

How To Handle Hidden Assets During Divorce?

When a couple divorces, numerous legal and financial issues must be resolved. One such matter is asset division. In certain instances, spouses might possess individual or hidden assets. The Tierney Law Group, Livermore family law attorneys, invites you to read this brief blog discussing how such holdings…

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