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Jul 22, 2022

Does California Recognize Common Law Marriages?

When it comes to progressive states, California typically ranks near the top, especially when it comes to recognizing unions between residents. Though many may believe California recognizes common law marriages, essentially, like many other states, it does not. Not recognizing common law marriages can pose…

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Jul 15, 2022

Do I Qualify for an Annulment in California?

Marriage is a sacred union between two people. However, sometimes that union is not completely legal. As with the cases of a minor marriage (without the content of a legal guardian) or fraud. If you need an annulment in California, the Tierney Law Group can…

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Jun 10, 2022

California’s Supervised Child Visitation System FAQ

What is Supervised Visitation? In the process of family law and its disposition in divorce, separation or similar legal proceedings, sometimes visitation by the non-custodial parent has to be applied. This is often applied in cases where an argument has been raised about the status…

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Mar 18, 2022

Establishing Guardianship in California

Guardianship occurs when a person other than the parents gets appointed by the court to take care of a child. A guardian does not have to be related to the children in order to be appointed. It could be a relative, a family friend, or…

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Mar 11, 2022

CA Child Custody: Best Interest of the Child

In cases of divorce where there are children involved, it becomes inevitable that the issue of custody is raised. Regardless of how amicable the relationship of the divorcing parents are, the court must still legally determine which parent gets physical custody of the child or…

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Feb 18, 2022

How to Introduce a New Relationship to Children of Divorce

Navigating life after divorce can be challenging. You and your children have to learn to adjust to a new way of living. The learning curve steepens when you introduce a new relationship into the mix. To help this transition go smoothly, you need to consider…

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Jan 14, 2022

How Divorce Affects a Remarriage

According to the 2011 U.S. Census, approximately 10.3 percent of marriages are second marriages. In addition, 5.2 percent of married people are in their third or more marriages. In addition, 91 percent of those remarriages are a result of dissolution prior to marriage. Only 9…

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Jan 07, 2022

Divorce and New Beginnings

The end of a marriage and divorce doesn’t have to be a negative experience. A divorce can be a new beginning for a family. In fact, there are many ways a divorce can have a positive impact on everyone involved. The Tierney Law Group is…

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Dec 21, 2021

Holiday Vacations with Children of Divorce

Many divorced parents don’t consider vacation planning when they file for divorce. But vacations for children shouldn’t end when parents go separate ways. There is a procedure divorced parents in California should follow when taking their children on holiday vacations. Do you know it? This…

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Dec 14, 2021

Long Distance Parenting Plans

Children of divorced or separated parents who do not have a nesting parenting plan may benefit significantly from a long-distance parenting arrangement. It allows them to stay in regular contact with both custodial and non-residential parents, even if their residences are thousands of miles apart.…

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