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Mar 27, 2020

Did Your Spouse Make False Abuse Claims? What You Need to Do Next

Many times when couples are involved in a divorce, one spouse may make false accusations against the other. Whether these involve child abuse, domestic violence, or other situations, they should never be taken lightly. Even though you know you are innocent, authorities and others don’t.…

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Mar 20, 2020

Legal Separation: Why You Should Seek Counsel

Spousal separation is best done with legal counsel. Informal separation, where a couple lives apart is not the same as a legal separation. A legal separation is formally recognized by a court and will usually involve attorneys. Hiring a divorce attorney in Pleasanton CA can…

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Mar 13, 2020

How Long Will a Temporary Restraining Order Last?

In California family law cases, including divorces, child custody and domestic violence disputes, the court can issue a temporary restraining order to prohibit certain conduct and contact between certain persons. Temporary restraining orders are common when there have been allegations of domestic violence. There are…

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Mar 06, 2020

Can a Lawyer Help Create a Child Support Agreement?

When persons share a child in common, it is important to setup a child support agreement. Conflict related to child support and children’s expenses frequently arise when there is not a defined agreement in effect. To reduce the chance of conflict and to ensure that…

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Mar 04, 2020

How is Child Support Determined in California?

When determining the best interests of a child in the court of law, child support is often a very large factor. Whether receiving or paying child support it is important for the amount to not only be adequate but also fair. To ensure both of…

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Feb 28, 2020

The Role Social Media Plays In a Divorce

The Role Social Media Plays In a Divorce If you are in the midst of a divorce, many thoughts will be racing through your mind. For many people, going on social media sites is a great way to communicate with family and friends. However, if…

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Feb 21, 2020

Is It Ever Too Late To Create A Prenuptial Agreement?

Is It Ever Too Late To Create A Prenuptial Agreement? For many couples that plan to marry, a prenuptial agreement is a way to make sure they have their financial interests protected should the marriage end in divorce. While this can be a delicate topic…

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Jun 15, 2019

Community Property and Quit Claim Deeds: The Issue of Transmutation of Marital Property

Community Property and Quit Claim Deeds: The Transmutation of Marital Property Community Property & Quit Claim Deeds – how does they effect the characterization of property in divorce cases? Quitclaim deeds are used for a variety of purposes in real estate. Commonly, an individual is…

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Apr 09, 2017

Dual agency under scrutiny: UPDATE – Horiike v Coldwell Banker

CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT CLARIFIES THE FIDUCIARY DUTY OF SELLER’S AGENT IN DUAL AGENCY TRANSACTIONS In 2014, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 1171 requiring real estate brokers and their salespeople to disclose when they are acting as dual agents (representing both sides in a…

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