Factors Considered For A Same-sex Divorce In Pleasanton, CA The average Pleasanton Family Law Attorney has seen a major uptick in the number of divorce cases he or she sees from same-sex couples since the option for same-sex couples to wed became the law of…
Spouses and domestic partners may require that a spousal support order that was made by a California judge be changed. If you’re in this case, you’ll need to prove that your circumstances have changed since the issuance of the spousal or partner support order was…
One of the most important topics in just about every divorce arrangement involves child custody. A child custody agreement is set at the time of the divorce. It specifies the rights and responsibilities of parents with respect to their children. It also specifies the rights…
How to make Modifications to Child Support Every year, countless couples in this country get a divorce or break off a relationship that had children involved. By law, every state has certain mandates and laws regarding such issues as child custody arrangements and child support…
Divorce is hard on everyone involved in it. The dissolution of your marriage can stir a range of emotions within you, but you cannot allow your feelings to crowd out your interests. If you have a marital estate of considerable wealth, you are entitled to…
There are many reasons to bring a marriage to its end. For some, it’s simply a natural part of a changing relationship. For others, there might be hard feelings or betrayals that make staying married impossible. Regardless of what causes the marriage to stop working,…
Divorce is hard on everyone involved in it, especially the children. You and your spouse may no longer be able to live together. But you must both now live for your children, and you must do your utmost to protect them from the consequences of…
When a married couple divorces, there are certain procedures that must be followed in order for the divorce to be valid. A divorce may be contested or uncontested, depending upon whether the parties agree on the terms of the divorce. The processes are different for…
The divorce was hard, but you are trying to be a good parent. In most instances, courts grant shared custody as part of divorce settlements. There is a custodial and a non-custodial parent. If you are the non-custodial parent, then you must agree to all…
Your New Year’s celebration may not have been as happy as everyone else’s. You have recently divorced and going through the holiday served only as a reminder that you will begin this year without a family. Or, it may be the first anniversary of your…