Requirements for a CA Divorce

Kent Tierney

When filing for divorce in California, some rules and requirements exist. Getting a divorce includes meeting the state’s requirements, paying filing fees, and following proper procedures.

Having a Pleasanton divorce and family law attorney by your side helps ensure you meet all the needs for a smooth, worry-free divorce process. Call the Tierney Law Group for assistance and guidance when filing for divorce.

Requirements for a CA Divorce

Several requirements must be met before qualifying to file for divorce in California. Conditions that must be made before filing for divorce in California include the following:

  • You or your spouse must have lived in California for a minimum of six months
  • You or your spouse must have lived in the county where you are filing for divorce for a minimum of three months
  • File all necessary paperwork with the courts

If the spouses were married in California but cannot get a divorce where they both currently live (often the case in a same-sex marriage because some areas do not recognize this type of marriage), they may be able to file for divorce in California.

Filing for Divorce in California

Once you have met the residency requirements, you can file for divorce with the county clerk’s office. The following forms must be filed to file for divorce in California properly:

  • Petition to dissolve a marriage or domestic partnership
  • Summons for your spouse to respond to the divorce filing
  • Child custody and support forms (if it involves a child)
  • Other forms needed for your county or marital situation

Some forms might not be necessary, especially if you and your spouse have already agreed to specific stipulations, such as alimony or child support.

Before filing all forms with the court clerk, make copies for yourself and a second copy to file with the courts. Don’t forget to sign the documents before filing; otherwise, it might delay the process. It is best to work with a Pleasanton divorce and family law attorney to ensure all necessary paperwork is filled out properly and filed correctly.

Once filed, a copy must be served to your spouse, either by a third-party summons processor or another acceptable means approved by the courts where the divorce was filed.

How a Divorce Attorney in Pleasanton, CA, Can Help

A divorce attorney in Pleasanton, CA, can help you with your divorce from start to finish. Working with an attorney can help start the process by discussing your situation and need for a divorce. They will also complete all necessary paperwork, sign it, file it with the courts, and deliver a copy to your spouse.

If needed, your attorney can help communicate with your spouse or their attorney and appear in court if a hearing is needed. Having an attorney by your side during a divorce in California can help with any issues, make the process less stressful, and help prevent significant delays.

If you were served divorce papers, you would have 30 days to respond to the paperwork, whether you agree with the terms or have changes you wish to be made. Hiring an attorney can help with your response and draft up paperwork to submit to the courts with your information and demands for divorce.

If you need assistance with a divorce in California, it is best to speak with an attorney to discuss your options and requirements for filing. The family law attorneys at Tierney Law Group can help with everything related to your divorce and will be by your side every step. Call our office today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced and dedicated family law attorneys.

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