Spousal Support Laws in CA: What You Need to Know

Kent Tierney

In the state of California, there are laws pertaining to alimony that are important to know if you are going through a divorce. These laws outline how alimony is calculated and explain what it means to pay or receive it.

Alimony is also known as spousal support. One spouse pays the other a specific amount of money each month that is agreed upon in written form. Generally speaking, the court requires a written agreement so that no disputes arise once one spouse begins making payments to the other. It is also possible to request temporary or permanent alimony or even both in California.

Temporary alimony is a payment made from one spouse to the other for a set period of time. The purpose of this type of support is to allow the spouse who earns less money to gain better financial footing during the divorce proceedings. After there is a permanent alimony amount decided upon, temporary alimony ceases.

Alimony is calculated using a specific type of software program used by family law firms. The program determines an amount to be paid based on certain factors, including the incomes of both spouses, health insurance deductions and other things related to their earnings.

Permanent alimony is considered long-term spousal support. This is a regular amount of money paid to one spouse by the other. The purpose of this type of alimony is to allow the spouse getting the payments to be able to meet a standard of living they enjoyed during the course of the marriage.

If you live in California and have decided that your marriage is no longer worth saving, you need the Tierney Law Group on your side. A Pleasanton CA family law attorney will help you get your divorce started. Contact Tierney Law Group to discuss your situation with an experienced Pleasanton CA family law attorney at your earliest convenience.

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