The Role Social Media Plays In a Divorce

Kent Tierney

The Role Social Media Plays In a Divorce

If you are in the midst of a divorce, many thoughts will be racing through your mind. For many people, going on social media sites is a great way to communicate with family and friends. However, if you are going through a divorce, this may not be a good idea. Should you say the wrong thing online, it could come back to severely impact how your divorce ultimately plays out. Rather than let this happen, listen to the advice of a divorce attorney in Pleasanton CA at the Tierney Law Group.

Your Character is on Trial

When going through a divorce, it is critical you remember that your character will be scrutinized in every possible way by the court and your spouse’s attorney. Because of this, be very careful about what you post on social media. Contrary to what many people believe, attorneys can often subpoena records from social media companies and ultimately introduce your posts as evidence during court hearings. If this occurs, it could negatively impact your ability to gain custody of your children or spousal support you may need. To ensure you make no mistakes along the way, rely on the knowledge and experience of a Pleasanton CA divorce attorney.

Stay Off Social Media

If you really want to make sure nothing can be used against you during your divorce hearings, take the advice of your Pleasanton divorce and family law attorney and stay off social media until your divorce is finalized. Though you may think you can control what you say while online, chances are you will let your emotions guide your thinking from time to time, resulting in what could be damaging posts. Therefore, play it safe and take a temporary vacation from social media.

If you need assistance during your divorce, consult with a divorce attorney in Pleasanton CA at the Tierney Law Group.

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