When Can You Use CA Divorce Mediation?

Kent Tierney

Mediation is a very important part of the divorce or child custody litigation process throughout the United States, including California. Divorce mediation in California can be ordered by a judge as part of the divorce process or parents can choose to enter into mediation.

What is CA Divorce Mediation?

Normally, a divorce litigation process includes the attorneys for both parties representing their client’s best interests. The court then addresses the issues of child custody and visitation, child support, alimony, marital property, and more. When it comes to mediation, those issues can be worked out between the two parties with the assistance of a neutral party called a certified mediator or certified divorce mediator.

A certified divorce mediator is usually someone who is a family law attorney or even a mental health professional and is specially trained in a variety of dispute resolution methods. This person will meet with both parties and try to help them identify the major issues that need to be dealt with in ways that they can find their own solutions. It is up to each party to provide the mediator with important facts and documentation ahead of time before the first meeting occurs. Many times, a divorce agreement or a custody agreement can be worked out before the divorce or custody dispute is finalized in court. A mediator can be provided through Divorce and Family Law Mediation Services in California.

Mediation Before Filing for Divorce

When it comes to California divorce mediation, it can be done prior to a divorce or custody action being filed, during the process, or even after the divorce, dissolution, or child custody issue is finalized.

A certified mediator may be able to assist you and the other party in working out a proper agreement about child custody issues and other aspects of your divorce before you have even filed. This can make the process go much quicker and way more smoothly.

Mediation During Divorce

Most often, mediation is ordered by a court or chosen to be entered into by the two parties after a divorce has been filed. Many times a spouse will decide they want to agree to the mediation process after discovery has been made by their attorney to the other party. This means they have realized there are more financial assets to argue about or more issues when it comes to child custody and visitation.

It is important for each of the parties to have an experienced and knowledgeable attorney who can represent them properly and even assist them in setting up an additional meeting with a divorce mediator.

Mediation After Divorce

Even though a couple is divorced, there may still be disputes over a variety of issues in the future. These are times when a divorce mediator can still come in handy even though you and your spouse are already divorced. If child custody issues arise or even child support issues, a divorce mediator can help the two of you work it out before you have to head to court.

Contact the Tierney Law Group

Whether you and your spouse enter into the mediation process or not, anytime there is a divorce or dissolution action filed or needs to be filed, it is important for both parties to be represented properly by experienced attorneys who can guide them through the process. The attorneys at the Tierney Law Group have the experience and knowledge it takes to properly represent you in any type of dispute, including child custody issues or divorce proceedings. Call the office of the Tierney Law Group today to make an appointment with a trusted attorney to represent your best interests through a divorce, child custody battle, or other situation in which you need legal representation.

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