At Tierney Law Group, we know that family law matters create some of the most delicate legal issues. Divorce causes some uncomfortable issues and same-gender divorce brings to light special legal considerations that add to the complexity of marriage dissolution, requiring a Pleasanton divorce lawyer.
In California, you could legally marry if gay or lesbian from 2013. Before that time, couples may have cohabitated or created a civil union. In the US, the law established same-gender marriage in 2015.
This can create a complex timeline of joint property acquisition, child adoption, and business partnerships. Because of this, there is no such thing as a same-gender quickie divorce. Each local marriage dissolution requires same sex divorce attorneys in Pleasanton CA for each party to handle the legal issues. Your divorce becomes further complicated if you chose to move to another state after your California wedding.
Those who created a domestic partnership in another state, in lieu of marriage, add to the complexity of the dissolution in California. Tierney Law Group provides the divorce attorney Pleasanton residents can trust to help you weather these issues, ending domestic partnerships in California.
Partnerships established in another state, as well as property acquired jointly pre-marriage can complicate legal division of assets. This includes physical property, financial assets such as stocks, bonds, and other investments, artwork, NFTs, etc. Determining which spouse pays spousal support also becomes complex since no gender inequity exists and both parties likely earn at an equal amount.
Typically, in a same-gender marriage, no natural parent exists, since most gay and lesbian couples adopt a child or children. While some couples do use artificial insemination for conception, the typical adoption situation results in no natural parent. Courts tend to award primary custody to the biological parent.
Contact Pleasanton same sex divorce attorneys at Tierney Law Group today to discuss your marriage dissolution and get started on same-gender divorce proceedings. Let us help you navigate the divorce process with less stress and emotional distress. Call us today at 925-362-3364 to begin divorce mediation Pleasanton CA.
We invite you to call us at 925.362.3364 to arrange a consultation to discuss your support issue with an experienced Pleasanton CA Family Law and Divorce Attorney.